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Bike fitting


Be one with your bike. Our head bike fitter is trained in Specialized Body Geometry Fit as well as Slowtwitch triathlon bike fitting. We are here for connecting bike and rider in perfect a harmony. Body Geometry Fit is ergonomically designed and scientifically tested to maximize power, endurance and comfort through a systematic customization of your bike and equipment at all three contact points. Let us help you get the ride you've always dreamed of - book a fitting today!



Our quick and easy bike fit. This is the service we include with every new bike purchase.


With the 1D fit we are assesing and adjusting the basic contact points between you and your bike, Saddle position, handlebar rotation, and making sure the cleat position is matched left and right. This should be a great starting point for you and your new bicycle.



This is where you see our true colours. With the 2D fit we take your 'pretty good' bike fit and make it into a 'great' bike fit!


By looking at a few small details we can start to get you into a comfortable, powerful position on your bike. Saddle fore/aft position, Stem length/rise, lever/hood position, all add up to some major changes and can really be make it or break it measurements when it comes to spending time on your bike.


Some minor flexibility assesment is usually a part of the 2D fit. we also request that you let us know of any injury history, old or new, you would be surprised at how much these things matter!



We take great pride in our 3D fit. Here we are looking to pin point specific issues you may be having with your bike fit, or we may just be trying to get you into the most efficient/powerful position your body will allow. This is where your 'perfect' bike fit is found.


We start every 3D fit with a full flexibility assesment to understand how your body is reacting to the motions of a bicycle. From there we are looking at your position from 360 degrees to ensure efficiency,power, and comfort. 

We strongly suggest that anyone with a TT/Tri bike opt for the 3D fit.



© 2014 Velocity Cycle & Ski. 

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